[Warmachine - Mercs] Kapitän Damiano

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[Warmachine - Mercs] Kapitän Damiano

Beitragvon Kwai » Mi 8. Jun 2011, 23:54


Captain Amador Damiano fights for glory, fame, honor, and the certainty that he will in time become a living legend. His Steelheads march in perfect lines and display a unity and responsiveness on the battlefield equal to or surpassing the infantry of any army in western Immoren. Damiano sees himself as much more than a mercenary captain; each contract he takes is not simply a paycheck, it is another conquest, another chance to show the world he is a battle commander without equal.
Beiträge: 1670
Registriert: Fr 28. Jan 2011, 12:22
Wohnort: Germering

Re: [Warmachine - Mercs] Kapitän Damiano

Beitragvon Kwai » Mi 8. Jun 2011, 23:56

Hm von dem hatte ich mir als Modell mehr erwartet.. nachdem sie ja schon einige echt coole neue Modelle raus gebracht haben..

Naja wie immer Mercs halt.
Beiträge: 1670
Registriert: Fr 28. Jan 2011, 12:22
Wohnort: Germering

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