Circle - Gallows Grove

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Circle - Gallows Grove

Beitragvon Kwai » Fr 11. Nov 2011, 22:00


An ancient manifestation of the Devourer Wurm’s conscious will, the gallows grove flourishes on soil soaked in the blood of sacrifice and violent massacres. Possessing an unsettling approximation of sentience, these gnarled trees might vanish only to reappear where the blood flows most freely. Powerful druids of the Circle are able to feed their will into these conduits of power and then unleash it upon those marked for death. The very presence of these trees saps vitality from the living as wounds gape wide to pour blood upon the thirsty roots of their destroyers.

Base Size: 40mm
PIP Code: 72063
Price: $24.99*
Model Count: 2
Packaging: Blister
Beiträge: 1670
Registriert: Fr 28. Jan 2011, 12:22
Wohnort: Germering

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