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Khador - Kayazy Eliminators

BeitragVerfasst: Fr 11. Nov 2011, 22:01
von Kwai

The kayazy eliminators are assassins who practice their deadly trade with the finesse of the finest artists. Working in pairs, the lithe eliminators move with deft agility to conceal their silent presence. When the time comes to perform their bloody services, they do so with a grace that would seem like ease were anyone present to observe it.

Re: Khador - Kayazy Eliminators

BeitragVerfasst: Mi 22. Feb 2012, 13:45
Hier noch ne nette Alternative (außerdem spielt der Powergamer von heute ja eh zwei Trupps)

Re: Khador - Kayazy Eliminators

BeitragVerfasst: Mi 22. Feb 2012, 13:49
von Kwai
Die find ich nett, die sind richtig hübsch.

Hm zwei einheiten kayazzi assasins und zwei eliminators.. aua.. ich werd grim eindeutig öfter spielen in zukunft.