Participaiting Teams

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Moderator: Nighty_s

Participaiting Teams

Beitragvon Nighty_s » Mi 19. Dez 2012, 09:42

Here we will post and update the at the moment registrated teams:

Nation and nr. / Name of the Team / Captain

Germany 1 / Team Albania / Rob "Tunagami" K.
Austria 2 / Team Viennas Finest / Bernhard "Alpha" B.
Germany 2 / Team Dead Fish Syndicate / Bernhard "BNF" F.
Germany 3 / Mein Bruder und ICH / Alexander "Tigerkralle" H.,"
Germany 4 / Stronghold 1 / Henry "Naggaroth" L.
Austria 1 / Iron Hookers / Steve "Ruad" M.
Germany 5 / German Lamers / Janos "Cryxnoob" S.
Germany 6 / Stronghold 2(Silver Edition)/ Harald "Ikildkenny" H.
Germany 7 / Lucky Dice / Jan "Kwai" M.
Swiss 1 /The Unboostables / Gergely " CB Crusader " G.
Funland 1 / Team Salmiakki / Rickard "Arlahren" N.
Austria 3 / Viennas very Finest / Wolfgang "Shakespear" Z.

Greetings Nighty
Julfest 2012, left one of the most important beings of my live, our world ! RIP MINI May you travel to well grounds and your GODS!

Gold Nerd
Beiträge: 651
Registriert: Mo 18. Jul 2011, 10:00

Re: Participaiting Teams

Beitragvon Nighty_s » Di 5. Mär 2013, 10:27

Team Update
Julfest 2012, left one of the most important beings of my live, our world ! RIP MINI May you travel to well grounds and your GODS!

Gold Nerd
Beiträge: 651
Registriert: Mo 18. Jul 2011, 10:00

Re: Participaiting Teams

Beitragvon Nighty_s » Di 4. Jun 2013, 07:44

Teams, Captains and Teamnames updated
Julfest 2012, left one of the most important beings of my live, our world ! RIP MINI May you travel to well grounds and your GODS!

Gold Nerd
Beiträge: 651
Registriert: Mo 18. Jul 2011, 10:00

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