Factions, Casters, Locks and statistics!
Verfasst: Di 4. Jun 2013, 08:58
Factions and Casters/Locks
How many players play witch Faction :
Circle : 10 (83,33´% of all teams include a Circle player)
Cygnar : 8 (66,67% of all teams include a Cygnar player)
Cryx : 9 (75% of all teams include a Cryx player)
Legion : 9 (75% of all teams include a Legion player)
Menoth : 6 (50% of all teams include a Menoth player)
Mercs : 2 (16,67% of all teams include a Merc player)
Minions : 4 (33,33´% of all teams include a Minion Player)
Retribution : 1 (8,33´% of all teams include a Retribution player)
Skorne : 5 (41,67% of all teams include a Skorne player)
Trolls : 6 (50% of all teams include a Trollblood player)
Morvahna the Dawnshadow : 6 (60% of all Circle players)
Kaya 2 : 2 (20% of all Circle players)
Kaya 1 : 1 (10% of all Circle players)
Kromac : 4 (40% of all Circle players)
Krueger the Stormwrath : 2 (20% of all Circle players)
Krueger the Stormlord : 5 (50% of all Circle players)
Cygnar : 8
Haley 1 : 2 (25% of all Cygnar players)
Haely 2 : 4 (50% of all Cygnar players)
Cain 2 : 2 (25% of all Cygnar players)
Kara : 1 (12,5% of all Cygnar players)
Kraye : 1 (12,5% of all Cygnar players)
Siege : 2 (25% of all Cygnar players)
Stryker 2 : 3 (37,5% of all Cygnar players)
Nemo 2 : 1 (12,5% of all Cygnar players)
Cryx : 9
Asphyxious 1 : 1 (11,11´% of all Cryx players)
Asphyxious 2 : 3 (33,33´% of all Cryx players)
Denegrah 1 : 2 (22,22´% of all Cryx players)
Denegrah 2 : 3 (33,33´% of all Cryx players)
Goreshade 1 : 1 (11,11´% of all Cryx players)
Goreshade 2 : 1 (11,11´% of all Cryx players)
Scaverous : 1 (11,11´% of all Cryx players)
Mortenebra : 1 (11,11´% of all Cryx players)
Terminus : 1 (11,11´% of all Cryx players)
Skarre 1 : 4 (44,44´% of all Cryx players)
Legion : 9
Abysolonya : 1 (11,11´% of all Legio players)
Bethayne : 2 (22,22´% of all Legio players)
Lylyth 1 : 1 (11,11´% of all Legio players)
Saeryn : 2 (22,22´% of all Legio players)
Vayle 2 : 7 (77,77´% of all Legio players)
Vayle 1 : 1 (11,11´% of all Legio players)
Kallus : 2 (22,22´% of all Legio players)
Thagrosh 1 : 2 (22,22´% of all Legio players)
Menoth: 6
Harbinger : 3 (50% of all Menoth players)
Feora 2 : 3 (50% of all Menoth players)
Kreoss 1 : 2 (33,33´% of all Menoth players)
Kreoss 3 : 1 (16,67% of all Menoth players)
Retznik : 1 (16,67% of all Menoth players)
Thyra : 1 (16,67% of all Menoth players)
Testament : 1 (16,67% of all Menoth players)
Mercs : 2
Fiona : 1 (50% of all Merc players)
Bartollo : 1 (50% of all Merc players)
Macbain : 1 (50% of all Merc players)
Gorten : 1 (50% of all Merc players)
Minions : 4
Barnabas : 3 (75% of all Minion players)
Maelok : 1 (25% of all Minion players)
Rask : 4 (100% of all Minion players)
Retribution : 1
Kaelyssa : 1
Ossyan : 1
Skorne : 5
Makeda 1 : 1 (20% of all Skorne players)
Makeda 2 : 1 (20% of all Skorne players)
Makeda 3 : 1 (20% of all Skorne players)
Hexeris 1 : 1 (20% of all Skorne players)
Hexeris 2 : 3 (60% of all Skorne players)
Mordikar : 1 (20% of all Skorne players)
Xerxis : 2 (40% of all Skorne players)
Trolle : 6
Grim 2 : 2 (33,33´% of all Trollblood players)
Grim 1 : 1 (16,67% of all Trollblood players)
Madrak 2 : 2 (33,33´% of all Trollblood players)
Calandra : 1 (16,67% of all Trollblood players)
Grissel 1 : 1 (16,67% of all Trollblood players)
Grissel 2 : 2 (33,33´% of all Trollblood players)
Doomshaper 1 : 2 (33,33´% of all Trollblood players)
Doomshaper 2 : 1 (16,67% of all Trollblood players)
How many players play witch Faction :
Circle : 10 (83,33´% of all teams include a Circle player)
Cygnar : 8 (66,67% of all teams include a Cygnar player)
Cryx : 9 (75% of all teams include a Cryx player)
Legion : 9 (75% of all teams include a Legion player)
Menoth : 6 (50% of all teams include a Menoth player)
Mercs : 2 (16,67% of all teams include a Merc player)
Minions : 4 (33,33´% of all teams include a Minion Player)
Retribution : 1 (8,33´% of all teams include a Retribution player)
Skorne : 5 (41,67% of all teams include a Skorne player)
Trolls : 6 (50% of all teams include a Trollblood player)
Morvahna the Dawnshadow : 6 (60% of all Circle players)
Kaya 2 : 2 (20% of all Circle players)
Kaya 1 : 1 (10% of all Circle players)
Kromac : 4 (40% of all Circle players)
Krueger the Stormwrath : 2 (20% of all Circle players)
Krueger the Stormlord : 5 (50% of all Circle players)
Cygnar : 8
Haley 1 : 2 (25% of all Cygnar players)
Haely 2 : 4 (50% of all Cygnar players)
Cain 2 : 2 (25% of all Cygnar players)
Kara : 1 (12,5% of all Cygnar players)
Kraye : 1 (12,5% of all Cygnar players)
Siege : 2 (25% of all Cygnar players)
Stryker 2 : 3 (37,5% of all Cygnar players)
Nemo 2 : 1 (12,5% of all Cygnar players)
Cryx : 9
Asphyxious 1 : 1 (11,11´% of all Cryx players)
Asphyxious 2 : 3 (33,33´% of all Cryx players)
Denegrah 1 : 2 (22,22´% of all Cryx players)
Denegrah 2 : 3 (33,33´% of all Cryx players)
Goreshade 1 : 1 (11,11´% of all Cryx players)
Goreshade 2 : 1 (11,11´% of all Cryx players)
Scaverous : 1 (11,11´% of all Cryx players)
Mortenebra : 1 (11,11´% of all Cryx players)
Terminus : 1 (11,11´% of all Cryx players)
Skarre 1 : 4 (44,44´% of all Cryx players)
Legion : 9
Abysolonya : 1 (11,11´% of all Legio players)
Bethayne : 2 (22,22´% of all Legio players)
Lylyth 1 : 1 (11,11´% of all Legio players)
Saeryn : 2 (22,22´% of all Legio players)
Vayle 2 : 7 (77,77´% of all Legio players)
Vayle 1 : 1 (11,11´% of all Legio players)
Kallus : 2 (22,22´% of all Legio players)
Thagrosh 1 : 2 (22,22´% of all Legio players)
Menoth: 6
Harbinger : 3 (50% of all Menoth players)
Feora 2 : 3 (50% of all Menoth players)
Kreoss 1 : 2 (33,33´% of all Menoth players)
Kreoss 3 : 1 (16,67% of all Menoth players)
Retznik : 1 (16,67% of all Menoth players)
Thyra : 1 (16,67% of all Menoth players)
Testament : 1 (16,67% of all Menoth players)
Mercs : 2
Fiona : 1 (50% of all Merc players)
Bartollo : 1 (50% of all Merc players)
Macbain : 1 (50% of all Merc players)
Gorten : 1 (50% of all Merc players)
Minions : 4
Barnabas : 3 (75% of all Minion players)
Maelok : 1 (25% of all Minion players)
Rask : 4 (100% of all Minion players)
Retribution : 1
Kaelyssa : 1
Ossyan : 1
Skorne : 5
Makeda 1 : 1 (20% of all Skorne players)
Makeda 2 : 1 (20% of all Skorne players)
Makeda 3 : 1 (20% of all Skorne players)
Hexeris 1 : 1 (20% of all Skorne players)
Hexeris 2 : 3 (60% of all Skorne players)
Mordikar : 1 (20% of all Skorne players)
Xerxis : 2 (40% of all Skorne players)
Trolle : 6
Grim 2 : 2 (33,33´% of all Trollblood players)
Grim 1 : 1 (16,67% of all Trollblood players)
Madrak 2 : 2 (33,33´% of all Trollblood players)
Calandra : 1 (16,67% of all Trollblood players)
Grissel 1 : 1 (16,67% of all Trollblood players)
Grissel 2 : 2 (33,33´% of all Trollblood players)
Doomshaper 1 : 2 (33,33´% of all Trollblood players)
Doomshaper 2 : 1 (16,67% of all Trollblood players)