Dead Fish Syndicate (Germany 2)

Dead Fish Syndicate (Germany 2)
Bernhard "BNF" Fischer (Capt.) : Minions
Benjamin "Kleiner Wolf von Orboros" Fröhlich-Rodriguez : Circle
Christopher " Greif " Müller : Menoth
Moris " Klam" Martini : Legion
Robert " Zahnfee" Matijasevic : Cygnar
"Kleiner Wolf of Orboros"
System: Hordes
Faction: Circle Orboros
Casters: 1/1
Points: 50/50
Morvahna the Dawnshadow (*5pts)
* Warpwolf Stalker (10pts)
* Woldguardian (9pts)
Druids of Orboros (Leader and 5 Grunts) (7pts)
* Druid of Orboros Overseer (2pts)
Shifting Stones (2pts)
Warpborn Skinwalkers (Leader and 4 Grunts) (8pts)
* Warpborn Alpha (3pts)
Wolves of Orboros (Leader and 9 Grunts) (6pts)
* Wolf of Orboros Officer & Standard (2pts)
Blackclad Wayfarer (2pts)
Gallows Grove (1pts)
Gatorman Witch Doctor (3pts)
System: Hordes
Faction: Circle Orboros
Casters: 1/1
Points: 50/50
Krueger the Stormlord (*5pts)
* Gorax (4pts)
* Ghetorix (11pts)
* Megalith (11pts)
* Warpwolf Stalker (10pts)
Shifting Stones (2pts)
* Stone keeper (1pts)
Shifting Stones (2pts)
Stoneward and 5 Woldstalkers (5pts)
Stoneward and 5 Woldstalkers (5pts)
Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew (Leader and 1 Grunt) (1pts)
Gallows Grove (1pts)
Professor Victor Pendrake (2pts)
System: Hordes
Faction: Bloody Barnabas - Apex Predators
Casters: 1/1
Points: 50/50
Tiers: 4
Bloody Barnabas (*6pts)
* Bull Snapper (3pts)
* Blackhide Wrastler (8pts)
* Blackhide Wrastler (8pts)
* Ironback Spitter (7pts)
* Swamp Horror (7pts)
Bog Trog Ambushers (Leader and 5 Grunts) (5pts)
Gatorman Posse (Leader and 4 Grunts) (9pts)
Gatorman Posse (Leader and 2 Grunts) (6pts)
Gatorman Witch Doctor (3pts)
#Gatorman Posse units become FA U.
#You gain +1 on your starting roll for the game.
#For every two Gatorman Posse units in the army, place one 3" AOE anywhere completely within 20" of the back edge of Barnabas' deployment zone after terrain has been placed but before either player deploys his army. The AOE is shallow water terrain. These AOEs cannot be placed within 3" of another terrain feature.
#Reduce the point cost of heavy warbeasts in Barnabas' battlegroup by 1.
System: Hordes
Faction: Blindwater Congregation
Casters: 1/1
Points: 50/50
Rask (*6pts)
* Bull Snapper (3pts)
* Blackhide Wrastler (9pts)
* Swamp Horror (8pts)
Bog Trog Ambushers (Leader and 5 Grunts) (5pts)
Gatorman Posse (Leader and 4 Grunts) (9pts)
Gatorman Posse (Leader and 2 Grunts) (6pts)
Feralgeist (1pts)
Gatorman Witch Doctor (3pts)
Totem Hunter (3pts)
Wrong Eye & Snapjaw (9pts)
System: Warmachine
Faction: Cygnar
Casters: 1/1
Points: 50/50
Captain Victoria Haley (*5pts)
* Stormwall (19pts)
* Squire (2pts)
Arcane Tempest Gun Mages (Leader and 5 Grunts) (6pts)
* Arcane Tempest Gun Mage Officer (2pts)
Storm Lances (Leader and 4 Grunts) (11pts)
Tempest Blazers (Leader and 4 Grunts) (10pts)
Gorman di Wulfe, Rogue Alchemist (2pts)
Journeyman Warcaster (3pts)
System: Warmachine
Faction: Cygnar
Casters: 1/1
Points: 50/50
Major Victoria Haley (*5pts)
* Lancer (6pts)
* Stormclad (10pts)
* Stormclad (10pts)
* Squire (2pts)
Black 13th Gun Mage Strike Team (4pts)
Lady Aiyana & Master Holt (4pts)
Tempest Blazers (Leader and 4 Grunts) (10pts)
Alexia, Mistress of the Witchfire (4pts)
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution (3pts)
Ragman (2pts)
System: Hordes
Faction: epic Vayl - Machinations of Shadow
Casters: 1/1
Points: 50/50
Tiers: 4
Vayl, Consul of Everblight (*6pts)
* Naga Nightlurker (5pts)
* Angelius (8pts)
* Angelius (8pts)
* Ravagore (9pts)
* Ravagore (9pts)
* Seraph (7pts)
Blackfrost Shard (5pts)
Spawning Vessel (Leader and 5 Grunts) (3pts)
Blighted Nyss Shepherd (1pts)
Blighted Nyss Shepherd (1pts)
#Non-character solos in this army gain Advance Deployment.
#You gain +1 on your starting roll for the game.
#Warbeasts with Flight gain +2 SPD during your first turn of the game.
#Reduce the cost of heavy warbeasts in this army by 1.
System: Hordes
Faction: Legion of Everblight
Casters: 1/1
Points: 50/50
Vayl, Disciple of Everblight (*6pts)
* Naga Nightlurker (5pts)
* Ravagore (10pts)
* Ravagore (10pts)
* Seraph (8pts)
* Typhon (12pts)
Spawning Vessel (Leader and 5 Grunts) (3pts)
Blighted Nyss Shepherd (1pts)
Blighted Nyss Shepherd (1pts)
Strider Deathstalker (2pts)
Strider Deathstalker (2pts)
Succubus (2pts)
System: Warmachine
Faction: Protectorate of Menoth
Casters: 1/1
Points: 50/50
Harbinger of Menoth (*5pts)
* Devout (5pts)
* Reckoner (8pts)
Vessel of Judgement (9pts)
Avatar of Menoth (11pts)
Choir of Menoth (Leader and 3 Grunts) (2pts)
Exemplar Errants (Leader and 9 Grunts) (8pts)
* Exemplar Errant Officer & Standard Bearer (2pts)
Visgoth Juviah Rhoven & 2 Honor Guard (4pts)
The Covenant of Menoth (2pts)
Vassal of Menoth (2pts)
Vassal of Menoth (2pts)
System: Warmachine
Faction: Protectorate of Menoth
Casters: 1/1
Points: 50/50
Intercessor Kreoss (*5pts)
* Reckoner (8pts)
* Reckoner (8pts)
* Reckoner (8pts)
* Vanquisher (8pts)
Choir of Menoth (Leader and 5 Grunts) (3pts)
Holy Zealots (Leader and 9 Grunts) (6pts)
* Holy Zealot Monolith Bearer (2pts)
Temple Flameguard (Leader and 9 Grunts) (6pts)
* Temple Flameguard Officer & Standard (2pts)
Vassal of Menoth (2pts)
Vassal of Menoth (2pts)
Bernhard "BNF" Fischer (Capt.) : Minions
Benjamin "Kleiner Wolf von Orboros" Fröhlich-Rodriguez : Circle
Christopher " Greif " Müller : Menoth
Moris " Klam" Martini : Legion
Robert " Zahnfee" Matijasevic : Cygnar
"Kleiner Wolf of Orboros"
System: Hordes
Faction: Circle Orboros
Casters: 1/1
Points: 50/50
Morvahna the Dawnshadow (*5pts)
* Warpwolf Stalker (10pts)
* Woldguardian (9pts)
Druids of Orboros (Leader and 5 Grunts) (7pts)
* Druid of Orboros Overseer (2pts)
Shifting Stones (2pts)
Warpborn Skinwalkers (Leader and 4 Grunts) (8pts)
* Warpborn Alpha (3pts)
Wolves of Orboros (Leader and 9 Grunts) (6pts)
* Wolf of Orboros Officer & Standard (2pts)
Blackclad Wayfarer (2pts)
Gallows Grove (1pts)
Gatorman Witch Doctor (3pts)
System: Hordes
Faction: Circle Orboros
Casters: 1/1
Points: 50/50
Krueger the Stormlord (*5pts)
* Gorax (4pts)
* Ghetorix (11pts)
* Megalith (11pts)
* Warpwolf Stalker (10pts)
Shifting Stones (2pts)
* Stone keeper (1pts)
Shifting Stones (2pts)
Stoneward and 5 Woldstalkers (5pts)
Stoneward and 5 Woldstalkers (5pts)
Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew (Leader and 1 Grunt) (1pts)
Gallows Grove (1pts)
Professor Victor Pendrake (2pts)
System: Hordes
Faction: Bloody Barnabas - Apex Predators
Casters: 1/1
Points: 50/50
Tiers: 4
Bloody Barnabas (*6pts)
* Bull Snapper (3pts)
* Blackhide Wrastler (8pts)
* Blackhide Wrastler (8pts)
* Ironback Spitter (7pts)
* Swamp Horror (7pts)
Bog Trog Ambushers (Leader and 5 Grunts) (5pts)
Gatorman Posse (Leader and 4 Grunts) (9pts)
Gatorman Posse (Leader and 2 Grunts) (6pts)
Gatorman Witch Doctor (3pts)
#Gatorman Posse units become FA U.
#You gain +1 on your starting roll for the game.
#For every two Gatorman Posse units in the army, place one 3" AOE anywhere completely within 20" of the back edge of Barnabas' deployment zone after terrain has been placed but before either player deploys his army. The AOE is shallow water terrain. These AOEs cannot be placed within 3" of another terrain feature.
#Reduce the point cost of heavy warbeasts in Barnabas' battlegroup by 1.
System: Hordes
Faction: Blindwater Congregation
Casters: 1/1
Points: 50/50
Rask (*6pts)
* Bull Snapper (3pts)
* Blackhide Wrastler (9pts)
* Swamp Horror (8pts)
Bog Trog Ambushers (Leader and 5 Grunts) (5pts)
Gatorman Posse (Leader and 4 Grunts) (9pts)
Gatorman Posse (Leader and 2 Grunts) (6pts)
Feralgeist (1pts)
Gatorman Witch Doctor (3pts)
Totem Hunter (3pts)
Wrong Eye & Snapjaw (9pts)
System: Warmachine
Faction: Cygnar
Casters: 1/1
Points: 50/50
Captain Victoria Haley (*5pts)
* Stormwall (19pts)
* Squire (2pts)
Arcane Tempest Gun Mages (Leader and 5 Grunts) (6pts)
* Arcane Tempest Gun Mage Officer (2pts)
Storm Lances (Leader and 4 Grunts) (11pts)
Tempest Blazers (Leader and 4 Grunts) (10pts)
Gorman di Wulfe, Rogue Alchemist (2pts)
Journeyman Warcaster (3pts)
System: Warmachine
Faction: Cygnar
Casters: 1/1
Points: 50/50
Major Victoria Haley (*5pts)
* Lancer (6pts)
* Stormclad (10pts)
* Stormclad (10pts)
* Squire (2pts)
Black 13th Gun Mage Strike Team (4pts)
Lady Aiyana & Master Holt (4pts)
Tempest Blazers (Leader and 4 Grunts) (10pts)
Alexia, Mistress of the Witchfire (4pts)
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution (3pts)
Ragman (2pts)
System: Hordes
Faction: epic Vayl - Machinations of Shadow
Casters: 1/1
Points: 50/50
Tiers: 4
Vayl, Consul of Everblight (*6pts)
* Naga Nightlurker (5pts)
* Angelius (8pts)
* Angelius (8pts)
* Ravagore (9pts)
* Ravagore (9pts)
* Seraph (7pts)
Blackfrost Shard (5pts)
Spawning Vessel (Leader and 5 Grunts) (3pts)
Blighted Nyss Shepherd (1pts)
Blighted Nyss Shepherd (1pts)
#Non-character solos in this army gain Advance Deployment.
#You gain +1 on your starting roll for the game.
#Warbeasts with Flight gain +2 SPD during your first turn of the game.
#Reduce the cost of heavy warbeasts in this army by 1.
System: Hordes
Faction: Legion of Everblight
Casters: 1/1
Points: 50/50
Vayl, Disciple of Everblight (*6pts)
* Naga Nightlurker (5pts)
* Ravagore (10pts)
* Ravagore (10pts)
* Seraph (8pts)
* Typhon (12pts)
Spawning Vessel (Leader and 5 Grunts) (3pts)
Blighted Nyss Shepherd (1pts)
Blighted Nyss Shepherd (1pts)
Strider Deathstalker (2pts)
Strider Deathstalker (2pts)
Succubus (2pts)
System: Warmachine
Faction: Protectorate of Menoth
Casters: 1/1
Points: 50/50
Harbinger of Menoth (*5pts)
* Devout (5pts)
* Reckoner (8pts)
Vessel of Judgement (9pts)
Avatar of Menoth (11pts)
Choir of Menoth (Leader and 3 Grunts) (2pts)
Exemplar Errants (Leader and 9 Grunts) (8pts)
* Exemplar Errant Officer & Standard Bearer (2pts)
Visgoth Juviah Rhoven & 2 Honor Guard (4pts)
The Covenant of Menoth (2pts)
Vassal of Menoth (2pts)
Vassal of Menoth (2pts)
System: Warmachine
Faction: Protectorate of Menoth
Casters: 1/1
Points: 50/50
Intercessor Kreoss (*5pts)
* Reckoner (8pts)
* Reckoner (8pts)
* Reckoner (8pts)
* Vanquisher (8pts)
Choir of Menoth (Leader and 5 Grunts) (3pts)
Holy Zealots (Leader and 9 Grunts) (6pts)
* Holy Zealot Monolith Bearer (2pts)
Temple Flameguard (Leader and 9 Grunts) (6pts)
* Temple Flameguard Officer & Standard (2pts)
Vassal of Menoth (2pts)
Vassal of Menoth (2pts)