[Legion] Succubus

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[Legion] Succubus

Beitragvon THE_MONK » Mi 11. Apr 2012, 09:17

Products of generations of Everblight’s manipulations, succubi are fonts of blighted arcane power. To create each one, a specially selected Nyss is brought to the spawning pools and ritually bathed in the blood of a warlock. It emerges as something no longer wholly Nyss, attuned to the warlock whose blood actualized its second birth. This ritual empowers each succubus as an amplifier of its warlock’s own gifts. With their every thought and action these creatures carry out the will of their masters and the dragon itself.

Mess with the best, die like the rest
Silver Nerd
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Registriert: Sa 29. Jan 2011, 09:00
Wohnort: Germering

Re: [Legion] Succubus

Beitragvon Tanklinn » Mi 11. Apr 2012, 18:46

Schaut mit den 4 Armen so aus, als ob sie Surfen würde. :muha: (Fehlt nur noch das Surfbrett) ;)

Ansonsten schaut sie recht gut aus. :cheer: Auch wenn ich Legion nicht mag. :mimi:

Smile . . . tomorrow will be worse. (Murphy)

There are 10 sorts of people in the world.
Those who understand binarys ..... and those who are not.
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Registriert: Fr 28. Jan 2011, 14:29
Wohnort: Germering

Re: [Legion] Succubus

Beitragvon Kwai » Mi 11. Apr 2012, 19:08

Ich glaub ich setz meine auf ne schräg stehende Korkplatte :jester:

Modell ist sehr schön find ich. Hat was
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Registriert: Fr 28. Jan 2011, 12:22
Wohnort: Germering

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