Cephalyx Spoiler aus dem NQ:

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Cephalyx Spoiler aus dem NQ:

Beitragvon Saviour » Di 6. Mai 2014, 19:34

Hier mal die Cephalyx Spoiler aus dem anstehenden No Quarter, viel Spaß.


http://www.reddit.com/r/Warmachine/comm ... _zerosoul/

>>Exulon Thexus<<
6 4 5 4 14 14 10

1x POW 5, P+S 9 Weapon
8 Focus
15 boxes

+5 warjack points

Mercenary - This model will work for Cryx
Selective - This model can include only mercenary contract armies that list cephalyx as possible members
Aggressive Reaction - While one or more enemy models are in this models command range, models in this model's battlegroup can run or charge without spending focus
Sac. Pawn [Monstrosity]
Spell Driver - When this model casts a spell, it can channel the spell through another model in its battlegroup that is in its control area. Once a spell is cast this way, the model it was channeled through suffers d3+1 damage points

Spell List:
Cost: 3 Range: Self AoE: CTRL Pow: - Up: No Off: No
While in this model's control area, friendly models gain +2 DEF and ARM against ranged attacks. Deceleration lasts for one round.

Hex Blast
Cost: 3 Range: 10 AoE: 3 Pow: 13 Up: - Off: Yes
Enemy Upkeep Spells and Animi on the model / unit directly hit by Hex Blast immediately expire.

Cost: 1 Range: 10 AoE: - Pow: - Up: - Off: Yes
Take control of target enemy non-warcaster, non-warlock warrior model. The model immediately makes one normal melee attack, then Influence expires.

Psycho Surgery
Cost: 2 Range: Self AoE: CTRL Pow: - Up: - Off: No
Each model in this model's battlegroup currently in its control area immediately heals d3+1 damage points. This spell can only be cast once per turn.

Cost: 3 Range: 10 AoE: - Pow: - Up: - Off: No
Take control of target enemy non-character warbeast.
You can make one full advance with the warbeast and can then make one normal attack with it, then Rampager expires. While the warbeast is affected by Rampager, it cannot be forced and you cannot use it's animus. Rampager can be cast only once per turn.

Cost: 2 Range: 8 AoE: - Pow: - Up: - Off: #
Place target model completely within 2" of its current location. When Telekinesis targets an enemy model, it is an offensive spell and requires a magic attack roll.
A model can be affected by Telekinesis only once per turn.

Feat: Telekinetic Tide
Push each enemy non-warlock, non-warcaster model currently in Thexus' control area 2" in any direction

"Warjacks" aka Monstrosities

5 10 5 4 10 17 -

2x POW 8 P+S 17

Eyeless sight
Beat back
Chain attack: Blood bath
Chain Weapon

36 boxes


5 10 5 4 10 17 -

Eyeless sight
Net Laucher RNG: 6", ROF: 1, AoE: 3"
- Quake
- Catch:
If this weapon directly hits an enemy model with an equal or smaller base, immediatly after the attack is resolved the model directly hit can be pushed any distance to directly toward this model. After the model directly hit is moved, this model can make one normal melee attack against it. After resolving this melee attack, this model can make additional melee attacks during its combat action.

POW 6 P+S 16

36 boxes


5 10 5 4 10 17 -

POW 4 P+S 14
POW 4 P+S 14
POW 4 P+S 14

Eyeless sight
Grand Slam
Follow up
Shield Guard
Buckler +1
Hard Head
2 Open Fists

36 boxes

>>Cephalyx Mind Bender and Drudges<<
FA: 2

Mind Bender + 5 Drudges 4p
Mind Bender + 9 Drudges 6p

Mind Bender
5 6 6 4 14 13 9

POW 2 P+S 8
5 boxes

Magic Ability 6

-Adrenal Flood (* Action) Rng 6:
Target Drudge Grunt gains +4 MAT and STR and can immediatly advance 4"
-Concussion Pulse (* Action):
Center a 4" AOE on this model or a grunt the spell is channeled through.
Other models in the AoE suffer a POW 12 magical DMG roll
-Psychic Assault (* Attack):
SP 8 POW 12 that ignores LOS

Psychic Projection:
This model can channel through Grunts in this unit that are in formation. When it does, you can choose up to two more of those Grunts and cast the spell once through each, even if the channeler is engaged. Grunts in this unit that channgel a spell this way are then removed from play.
Sac. Pawn[Drudge Grunt]

Drudge Grunt
5 8 5 2 11 15 4

POW 4 P+S 12

Eyeless Sight

Solos & Attachments
>>Cephalyx Dominator<<
6 6 6 4 14 13 9
5 boxes


Mercenary Attachment - can be added to a small or medium based noncephalyx merc unit.

Anatomical Precision
Granted: Fearless
Granted: Tough

Linchpin - When this model is destroyed or removed from play, all other models in this unit lose fearless for one round and immediately flee
Ranking Officer
Sac. Pawn[Models in this Unit]

>>Cephalyx Agitator<<

6 6 6 4 14 13 9
1x pow 5 p+s 11
5 boxes
FA: 3

Anatomical Precision

Magic ability 7

-Instigage(* Action):
While within 5" of this model, friendly Drudge and Monstrosity models gain + 2 on attack and damage rolls. Instigate last for one turn
-Psychic Assault(* Attack):
SP 8 POW 12 that ignores los

Sac. Pawn [Monstrosity]

Puppet Masters

An army constructed under the Puppet Master contract can include:
- Mercenary Cephalyx models/units.
- up to one non-Cephalyx Mercenary unit if that unit includes a Cephalyx Dominator UA.
- Increase the FA of Cephalyx mind slaver and drudges by +1
- Increase the FA of Cephalyx Overlord units by +1

Special rules:

- Units that include cephalyx dominator UAs gain Avanced Deployment

The army can also include:
- Bloat Thrall,
- Machine Wraith and
- Pistol Wraith solos.
These solos are considered to be friendly Mercenary models instead of Cryx models
Zuletzt geändert von Saviour am Fr 16. Mai 2014, 14:29, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 29
Registriert: Mo 6. Mai 2013, 18:44

Re: Cephalyx Spoiler aus dem NQ:

Beitragvon Saviour » Mi 7. Mai 2014, 00:10

Ich weiß nicht was ich von den Monstrosities halten soll ... man braucht sie wegen Sac Pawn & Arc Node, aber man will sie nicht weil sie Fokus fressen.

Sind irgendwie so wie Beasts nur dann doch nicht ganz so Offensiv.
Beiträge: 29
Registriert: Mo 6. Mai 2013, 18:44

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